Sunday, October 28, 2018

Visual Fx Showreel

Visual FX Showreel for 5th semester. Consists of 4 projects.

1. 3D Composition
2. 2D Tracking (2D composition)
3. Dynamics (nCloth)
4. 3D Matte Painting

Thank you

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Ribbon rig test

This is a Ribbon rig test.  A hand is taken as a the model. 

Shark (Bruce)

Bruce Rig test.

Tony Rig test

This a Tony robot Rig test. This includes various controls.


There are 3 type of caustics shown here. Refractive caustics, Metalic caustics and Fake caustics. 

Physical Sun

This is a Physical sun lighting. This clip shows a normal day.

This clip shows a warm Day.

This clip shows Cool Day.

Global Illumination

Global Illumination is similar to the Final Gathering. The GI feature is turned on in mental ray to get this output.

Final Gathering

Final Gathering is a feature in mental ray. Three Planes with RGB colored are placed above the models. The bleeding occurs through this process.

Lambert Lights

This is a Lambert lighting. This is done using only lambert material. Area lights are scattered according to the theme.

Light Rig

This is a demonstration of a Light rig using Directional lights.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Fight Animation

This is  fight animation which includes weight balance, jump and some actions. The planning for this is done in flash animation. The 3d animation is created according to it.

Walk (3D animation)

The unique Walk cycle done in maya software. References was taken from a certain video.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Rigging Show Reel

This is the final showreel of the Rigging subject. It includes 8 works.

(Music:- Merchants of Novigrad [Witcher 3] )

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Ocean and Boat

The ocean here is created from Soft Rigid bodies. Tweaking the turbulence gives the oceanic stimulation. And the raft is constrained to the vertices using locator to get the desired motion.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Window Ratteling

Window Ratteling is done using Nail constrains, Spring Contrains. 


The Bowling here has four different Strikes. This is done using Rigid bodies. Active and Passive. Gravity is used.


The Jenga here is stimulated by Rigid Bodies and Uniform field. Rendered using mental ray renderer.
Thank you

Iron ball Swing

This is the iron ball swing which is hitting the jenga. This stimulation is done using dynamics in autodesk Maya. Nail constrains are used . I made use of gravity, Rigid Body etc.

Monday, January 29, 2018

A bed lamp

Unique lamp

A unique lamp. 
A artist room . Models, Textures, lighting all done in person.
A lighting assignment.

Thank you.

Book Rig

This video shows the book rig functions. The rig is made using joints and blend shapes.
however the model was provided by the faculty. The fan technique is created using blend shapes. 

Car Rig

This clip shows the controls and functions of the car rig. The rig is made using constrains. The joints are created according to the model and constrained to the curve. And the vibration of the engine is created by expressions.

Note:- The model used here is downloaded from a certain website for educational purpose.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Squirrel 3D Animation

This is the 3D animation of a Squirrel. The process consists of Four stages. Planning , Blocking , linear and Slow in Slow out. The blocking is done using a Stepped tangents. The video clip shows the output of each stages. The background, lighting , texture is created in person. How ever the Squirrel model was provided by our Faculty.  Thank you.

Sunday, January 7, 2018


First Dynamics work. Domino effects. Simple work to understand how rigid bodies work. This is batch rendered using Mental ray.